I’m thrilled to announce that ‘How to Help a Hedgehog and Protect a Polar Bear’ has won a Merit Award in the 3x3 International Illustration Awards and will appear in Annual No.16. Congratulations to all the other winners and thanks to the team at Nosy Crow, Jess French and the National Trust for the opportunity to work on such a special book!
How To Help a Hedgehog and Protect a Polar Bear is an ACE Awards Finalist
Excited to see that How To Help a Hedgehog and Protect a Polar Bear is one of three finalists in the Best Children’s Publication category of the ACE Awards. Delighted to be in such great company and so glad this book is resonating with so many parents and children! Congratulations to all finalists and especially author Jess French and our awesome team at Nosy Crow.
Storylines Notable Book Awards
And the winner is ... INSPECTOR BRUNSWICK! 🏆🐱🐶🔍 I am delighted to announce that Inspector Brunswick - The Case of the Missing Eyebrow has won a Storylines Notable Book Award!! Chris and I are chuffed! A huge congratulations to all the writers and illustrators shortlisted, and especially to Joy Cowley (ONZ), Gavin Bishop, Dame Lynley Dodd, Fifi Colston, and Donovan Bixley to name just a few of the many talented people we admire in that list. You can check out the list of winners on the booksellers website here.
Bronze Medal in 3x3 Picture Book Show
So excited to have received a Bronze Medal in the 3x3 Picture Book Show in New York for my illustration for the NZ School Journal!! Cant believe it really but there my name is amongst some amazingly talented people. Not only that but Inspector Brunswick won a Merit award too!! Thank you 3x3 and congratulations to all the other recipients!
Bronze Medal Winner - 2017 3x3 Picture Book Awards
Merit Award Winner - 2017 3x3 Picture Book Awards
Congratulations again Brother Design!
Huge Congratulations yet again to Brother Design for winning another Gold Award in the 2014 Pentawards, a global competition which recognises the best of packaging design, for the Pams Flour range! Thats a lot of Golds now after their Vertex Awards earlier this year! We are so stoked to be part of the team that created this awesome packaging. Well done!! Here is an article by the great people at idealog magazine: http://idealog.co.nz/design/2014/10/brothers-pams-rebrand-wins-again